Remembering 9.11 in NYC

Our National day of mourning

Tip and JAM in Wonderland

9.11. Numbers, a phrase, a date that means so many things to so many people.  Here in New York City, this date has approached holiday status as a national day of mourning.

The flags are flown at half-staff.  Commemorative ceremonies begin early in the morning.  Names are read.  Families read remembrance eulogies.  The NYFD are wearing their dress blues and the firehouses have their doors open with memorials to their fallen comrades.  The NYPD are in full force doing what they do best, protecting the city. Today, they are wearing pride in their work.

For New Yorkers, It’s a very solemn day.

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We joined Keith Michael in his New York City WILD walking tour.  Keith is an urban naturalist and photographer who offers several walking tours throughout New York City covering a wide variety of touring subjects.  This was the 911 walk.  Other tour members in our group were Laurie…

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