It was just here!

We first visited New York in 2007.  The charm of the old fashioned Deli shops was something that caught our fancy and endeared this city to us. The Deli next door to our hotel, Club Quarters, and the Metro Diner were two of our favorite places.  They are gone.  The sites have been shut down... Continue Reading →

Showtime at the Apollo

My introduction was through James Brown and the Famous Flames.  An album was released in the early 60’s, titled “Live at the Apollo” and the Godfather of Soul splashed right into the middle of the exploding young American music scene. I remember the Buddy Holly movie when Holly and the Crickets were booked into the... Continue Reading →

She’s Not There

Staten Island.  I have heard about it for most of my life, mostly from baseball stories, but I really didn’t know anything about it.  I had heard of the Staten Island Ferry and in the few trips to visit here, I had seen the giant sign spread across the South Seaport Terminal reading Staten Island... Continue Reading →

Joyce’s Take

Our dear friend Joyce came to visit this past week.  We had some great times together and invited her to write an entry for this blog.  Here are her observations.  Enjoy. I arrived on July 3 and met up with Tip and Jerry after getting settled into my hotel, about 6 blocks from their home. We... Continue Reading →

Come, Sail Away

Our friend, Joyce, is as much adventure-bound as we are so the three of us headed out! We had some unfinished business in South Seaport. We were there a few weeks ago, visited some of the sights in the area but were not able to see and do many of the things the area offers.  ... Continue Reading →

Oooh….. Ahhh……Ohhhhh!

We had a list of things we felt were obligatory for anyone spending only a year in NYC. 4th of July fireworks, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and New Year’s Eve in Times Square. One down.  We will decide on the others later. This week Joyce Wright, a dear friend is visiting us from the Metroplex. ... Continue Reading →

Breaking Barriers: Part 2

Joyful that we had survived our Ukrainian food experience we ventured out on the recommendation of our concierge and a young Asian girl who was visiting with him.  They provided a list of Vietnamese restaurants that they highly recommended. Several people had suggested Pho and recommended the Cha Pa's restaurant on 52nd St between 8th... Continue Reading →

Breaking Barriers: Part 1

Several things went into our decision to experience a different lifestyle in NYC.  One was the desire to break some of our long-standing boundaries. None was stronger than the food we eat. While we always liked spicy and well flavored food, my diet avoided anything found in the ocean, any meat other than white meat... Continue Reading →

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