曼哈頓華埠 (China Town)

We love going downtown.  Down where the streets are no longer laid out in straight lines, numbered, and are orderly, but instead, they bend and wind, and have names instead of numbers.  This part of the city layout dates back to the early days of Manhattan’s development. It is so easy to get lost and... Continue Reading →

The Actress

We were hungry for some “back home” food.  So we went exploring. We came across Southern Hospitality BBQ.  Wood floors, wood paneled walls, wrought iron railings, high ceilings, neon beer signs around the room.  It could pass for a barbeque joint anywhere in Texas. We were seated.  An attractive young lady arrived with menus and... Continue Reading →

The Day That Was

It was one of those days.  You know the ones that have that perfect feel.  Sunny without being too bright or too hot.  The breeze is blowing just enough to remind you that spring is in the air, but not so much as to be windy.  A perfect day for a bike ride.  And so... Continue Reading →

The President Show

There are several studios throughout Hell’s Kitchen and a few of them are nearby our apartment.  The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is about a half block from us.  There is a new show on Comedy Central debuting next week called “The President Show”. We stumbled across this theater while we were walking around and... Continue Reading →

We Are Easily Amused

We are easily amused.  When we run out of our weekly allowance, or when our feet are too tired from our long walks, we sit and look out the windows.  It is a small apartment so two windows are all we have room for.  One looks to the west, across the Hudson River and in... Continue Reading →

The Bad Portrait Artist

We were leaving Strawberry Fields, the John Lennon tribute in Central Park.  There is a crowd every day, despite the weather, all day long, despite the time.  Everyone is having a picture taken sitting next to the Imagine mosaic.  There is a crowd around the mosaic waiting their turn for a photo.  The area is... Continue Reading →

The Night Walks

Night is different.  When it gets dark that’s all it does. It just gets dark.  Places don’t close and things don’t stop, but they do slow down.  The sounds of New Yorkers doing their daily business change to laughter and music at the end of the day as friends meet to relax. The Streets are... Continue Reading →

Sidewalk Dining

When the sun decides to settle and go down somewhere over the Hudson and behind New Jersey, an entirely different City awakens here and comes to life.  Narrow tree-lined streets with narrow uneven sidewalks weave through a maze of restaurants, chophouses and cafes from 8th Ave eastward toward Broadway and the Theater District along 46th... Continue Reading →

The Long Ride

The Long Ride The morning broke bright, calm, warm and dry.  We were antsy to go.  Deciding to take a bike ride through Central Park, we located the nearest bike stand that had bikes, (Sometimes they are not at the closest rack), and walked over to 50th and Broadway, about a mile, to find our... Continue Reading →

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