The Bad Portrait Artist

We are busy exploring this week. Thought you might enjoy one of our more popular posts. We visited Central Park last week and found Joey McDevitt in the same location. Be sure to visit him this summer.

Tip and JAM in Wonderland

We were leaving Strawberry Fields, the John Lennon tribute in Central Park.  There is a crowd every day, despite the weather, all day long, despite the time.  Everyone is having a picture taken sitting next to the Imagine mosaic.  There is a crowd around the mosaic waiting their turn for a photo.  The area is surrounded by park benches, full of tourists watching this spectacle unfold.

On one of the benches nearby, a local is belting out Beatle songs on an acoustic guitar.   His guitar case is laying open on the ground holding a half dozen dollar bills.  He nods a thank you to each contributor dropping their money into his coffer.  The whole scene seems more reverent than commercial.IMG_8723 7D bad portrait artist sm

A few steps down the path sits a young man, a little disheveled, a few days from his last shave.  He has a homemade easel set up that reads: Bad Portraits…

View original post 229 more words

Cheek Kisses and Crepes

Her bright blue eyes beckoned to us as we entered.  A smile made its way across her gentle face.  It was clear she had something to share with us.  Hugs all around, and the now familiar greeting, a kiss on each cheek.  She says it is the French way. We met Louise one Sunday morning... Continue Reading →

Worth the effort

Getting there was anything but simple.  With the N train in Astoria closed for track repairs, reaching the Wellington Court Project was anything but easy. It started with a one mile walk to get to the N train which took us only another mile where we caught the Tram to Roosevelt island. On Roosevelt Island... Continue Reading →

Senatori at the Decimo

It was like spotting Santa Clause or Big Foot or catching a jackalope.  You hear all the stories, you see the evidence they have been here, but you never seem to have your camera out to prove they exist. Like a vampire, street artists come in the middle of the night, produce some of the... Continue Reading →

What It Was, Was Shakespeare

Disclaimer:  This is the blog that almost wasn’t.  It was written satirically, tongue in cheek.  This was my first Shakespeare play.  I was totally enthralled with the performances and the production.  When I sat down at my keyboard to write this, my mind drifted back to many years ago when I heard a comedy routine... Continue Reading →

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