Catacombs, Tombs and Souls

Exploring the history in New York has become a major pastime for us.  There is something about walking through structures 200 years old, hearing the tales of the past, and imagining ourselves living in another century.   On this day we decided to visit St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral.   We had heard of the catacombs and... Continue Reading →

The High Seas of New York City

Ahoy, Mate!  Climb aboard.  The Navy is ready to set sail!  Well, not set sail….start paddling…..and it’s not the Navy….it’s me and JAM and our friend Laurie. New York City does an outstanding job providing for its citizens and one of the many things provided is kayaking in the Hudson River.  It’s free, it’s fun,... Continue Reading →

Washington Square Park

Sitting on a park bench, in Washington Square, my mind wanders as I imagine this space as it was in another era.   I remember a time when it was best known for it's dissidents, war protesters and drug dealers.   But the land now known as Washington Square Park has had many lives. In its indigenous... Continue Reading →

Dignity Lost, Rediscovered

Situated at the corner of Broadway and Duane Street, near City Hall in lower Manhattan, the National Park Service operates a National monument  honoring a place, a people, a time once forgotten but now revealed. This sacred ground honors those least respected in their time, the ones with no voice and no power.  The African... Continue Reading →

Well, Hello.  Please Come In.

Tourist season is winding down.  The crowds are somewhat lessened, but there are still plenty of tourists to go around. NY1, our 24/7 TV news station, recently reported that 1 out of three jobs in Manhattan are tourists related.  That caught my attention and piqued my interest.  With a little research, I discovered some interesting... Continue Reading →

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