And we’re walkin’…….

We came to New York without a car.  We planned on using taxis, the subway and walking.  We have used taxis and we have used the subway….and we have walked and walked and walked.  We are logging between 9,500 and 12,000 steps each day.  That is 5-6 miles. Today was chilly, about 49 degrees. It... Continue Reading →

Master Shopper

Shopping here in the City has been a challenge.  Whole Foods is about a mile from here, and they don’t carry a lot of the foods that I normally cook with.  D’agostino’s Market is close, about 3 blocks, they too are missing a lot of the foods I cook with. Of course, there are the... Continue Reading →

Evening in the City

I love evening walks in New York City.  Tonight, the air was moist, the wind was calm, and it was about 50 degrees.  Perfect walking weather.   The restaurant storefronts and bars are lit, the bodegas are restocking for the next day, other shops are sweeping the sidewalk or pulling down their shutters.  People are on... Continue Reading →

A Bad Rap

People tell tales of New Yorkers being rude and mean.  These are myths are not accurate, they are unfair and need to be put to rest. Take, for instance, Rachel and Linda.  We met these two ladies last night at Hello Dolly.  They were sitting directly behind us.  We started talking about Bette Midler’s stamina... Continue Reading →

The Devine Miss M

OMG, I don’t even know where to begin, I just saw the Devine Miss M! Okay, let me catch my breath!  Hello Dolly is opening at the Shubert Theater in April.  Everything is sold out for months.  The production is in Preview right now will full cast and costume.  Preview tickets can still be difficult... Continue Reading →

There’s talent in this town…

The Irish Arts Center This City is filled with talent.  There are venues where you least expect them, many specialized and in buildings inconspicuous from the curb. One snowy day last week we walked past a painted wall with a small sign, “Irish Art Center”. A quick google led me to a site that celebrates... Continue Reading →

Hell’s Kitchen

When someone comes to New York City, the usual destination is Manhattan.  Manhattan is one of 5 Boroughs that make up the City:  Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.  Manhattan is home to most of the icons:  Central Park, the Empire State Building, Times Square, Grand Central Station, St Patrick’s Cathedral…..All the stuff you’ve... Continue Reading →

And the Sidewalks Became Really Crowded

We arrived here on a Thursday morning.  The weather forecasters were predicting a snow blind blizzard coming in with 10-20 inches on Monday night.  The master storm didn’t happen, but there was 8 inches laid over the City on Tuesday morning.  Heaviest snow we have seen in many, many years.  That was a week ago.... Continue Reading →

A Sunday Stroll

The weather broke.  The sun came out, the wind died down, it warmed a bit.  It had been quite a week and we had cabin fever so we decided to take a stroll. Starting at 10th Ave and 52nd St, we headed south, then east, back south and, again, east…..we threaded our way down to... Continue Reading →

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