Rejoice, It’s a New Decade!

We’ve been gone a while.  I think we owe you an explanation. In November 2018 I released a blog talking about finding our personal wonderlands.    In 2019 I was challenged to listen to my own words.  Love Clings To Me The move from our beloved Manhattan to a quiet neighborhood in Texas was more... Continue Reading →

Howdy, Y’all!

Tip and JAM coming to you from deep in the heart of the Republic of Texas. Well, not exactly deep in the heart.  The Metroplex, the Dallas-Ft Worth area is about an hour’s drive south of the Red River.  Deep in the heart is down around San Antonio and Austin.  Did you know Austin is... Continue Reading →

The One about Friends

Twenty months ago, we drove up Highway 495, through the Lincoln Tunnel and into our Wonderland.  We were seeking our pink flamingos.  We were making New York City our home for a year and we knew no one. Our year turned into 20 months and we have made many friends.  We want to take a... Continue Reading →

Historic Bar Krawl Day 6: Pete’s Tavern

If we have learned anything from this historical bar krawl, it is that facts and dates are substantially folklore, somewhat questionable, and often contended.  Such as  the longstanding argument over which of these historical taverns is the oldest continuously operating.  Most, but not all, agree it is either Pete’s Tavern or McSorley’s. Pete’s Tavern, located just... Continue Reading →

Life is a Cabaret!

What good is sitting alone in your room?  Put down that knitting, your book and your broom, go hear the music play!  Go taste the wine, go hear the band!  It’s time for celebrating, hurry now, your table’s waiting! Cabaret is known around the world as a place to celebrate with friends and enjoy close-up,... Continue Reading →

Cheek Kisses and Crepes

Her bright blue eyes beckoned to us as we entered.  A smile made its way across her gentle face.  It was clear she had something to share with us.  Hugs all around, and the now familiar greeting, a kiss on each cheek.  She says it is the French way. We met Louise one Sunday morning... Continue Reading →

The Pride of a Guardian Angel

We had been looking forward to Friday for quite some time,  a women's basketball game between Columbia University and Dartmouth College, an Ivy League matchup.   As the day arrived, a Nor’easter blew in and and shut down  the town and the basketball game.  My thoughts?  I figured there must be a Slagle in town.  There... Continue Reading →

It Was a Very Good Year.

Tradition requires this to be a day of reflection and for looking forward. On the last day of 2016 we lost Quah, our dog of 16 years. She was the kindest, gentlest, best looking dog we have ever owned.  She was a mutt like us, and she was always an important member of the family.... Continue Reading →

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